Studying The Universe Through Beautiful Deaths!

Some of my recent works

  1. SN 2020jfo: A Short Plateau Type II Supernova from a Low Mass Progenitor

    In this work, we have done a detailed photometric and spectroscopic analyis of a Type II SNe that occurred in M61 galaxy. We have also performed detailed semi-analytical and hydrodynamical modelling to ascertain about it progenitor. This work was published in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ).
    The "Open Access" published file can be accessed from IOP Website.
    This work can also be found on arXiv.
  2. Far-ultraviolet to Near-infrared Observations of SN 2023ixf:

    A High-energy Explosion Engulfed in Complex Circumstellar Material

    This letter presents detailed multiband observations utilizing both ground and space based observatiories. We covered far-ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths, including near-ultraviolet and optical regimes as well, obtaining both photometry and spectroscopy data in details. We made use of many world class international facilities extensively to obtain data. We tried to understand the early phase evolution (upto 20 days after 💥) in details utilising this rich data set. We estimated various parameters including explosion energy, circumstellar mass and its distribution, and presented a detailed qualitative analysis of UV spectra. This work was published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters(ApJL).
    The "Open Access" published file can be accessed from IOP Website.
    This work can also be found on arXiv.
    A small X (Twitter) thread can be found here.

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