SN 2020jfo: A Short Plateau Type II Supernova from a Low Mass Progenitor
🌄: Pseudo-color image of SN 2020jfo with its host M61 taken from Himalayan Chandra Telescope, IAO, Hanle. (Ref Teja et al 2022 ApJ 930 34 )
🌄:Panchromatic light curves for SN 2020jfo with photometry from HCT, Swift/UVOT, and ZTF. The time period for which SN 2020jfo went behind the Sun has been obliterated from the plot and is marked
by the discontinuity in the abscissa. Offsets in the apparent magnitudes are for visual clarity. (Ref Teja et al 2022 ApJ 930 34 )
🌄: Spectral evolution of SN 2020jfo from 3 days until 292 days post explosion. Lines have been identified following Gutiérrez et al. (2017b), some of the prominent lines are marked. All spectra are
flux calibrated and corrected for reddening and redshift. (Ref Teja et al 2022 ApJ 930 34 )
🌄: Estimated steepness of SN 2020jfo using the functional form from Elmhamdi et al. (2003b). (Ref Teja et al 2022 ApJ 930 34 )
🌄: Quasi-bolometric light curve (Q-bol) of SN 2020jfo along with other Type II SNe. Q-bol with contribution from UV fluxes and from SuperBol (without BB-corrections) are also plotted. Inset shows
Optical and UV+Optical Q-bol during early phase. (Ref Teja et al 2022 ApJ 930 34 )
🌄: Line velocity evolution of Balmer, Fe ii, and Sc ii features obtained using their absorption minima are shown here. A comparison with mean Type II SNe velocities from Gutiérrez et al. (2014) is
also shown. The solid line represents mean value while the shaded region displays the 1-sigma scatter from the mean. (Ref Teja et al 2022 ApJ 930 34 )
🌄: Quasi-bolometric light curves obtained from MESA + STELLA modeling with different values of wsf (1.0, 3.0, 3.2, and 5.0) for the 12 solar mass ZAMS model. Quasi-bolometry of SN 2020jfo is overplotted
for comparison. (Ref Teja et al 2022 ApJ 930 34 )
In this work, we have done a detailed photometric and spectroscopic analyis of a Type II SNe that occurred in M61 galaxy. We have also performed detailed semi-analytical and hydrodynamical modelling to ascertain about it progenitor. This work was published
in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). The "Open Access" published file can be accessed from IOP Website. This work can also
be found on
Far-ultraviolet to Near-infrared Observations of SN 2023ixf:
A High-energy Explosion Engulfed in Complex Circumstellar Material
🌄: RGB composite image of SN 2023ixf in M101 galaxy taken from Himalayan Chandra Telescope, IAO, Hanle. (Ref Astronomoid's X (Twitter) )
🌄:Multiband photometry is shown along with the data compiled from public sources. The middle panel shows the bolometric light-curve evolution. The bottom panel shows the color evolution of SN 2023ixf
along with the other SNe with observed flash features.. (Ref Teja et al 2023 ApJL 954 L12 )
🌄: UV spectral evolution obtained using Astrosat/UVIT and the SYNAPPS fit to the spectra of ∼7 and ∼12 days. (Ref Teja et al 2023 ApJL 954 L12 )
🌄: Optical spectral evolution for SN 2023ixf from HCT, Perley & Gal-Yam (2023), and Stritzinger et al. (2023). The spectra are corrected for the redshift of the host galaxy, M101, and the epochs
are labeled with respect to our adopted explosion epoch. Top left: early-time spectral sequence of flash features in SN 2023ixf with line identification of high-ionization features and Balmer lines.
The inset depicts the Hα profile at +7.9 days having a broad P Cygni feature and intermediate-width Lorentzian emission. Top right: evolution of the line profile of Hα during the flash phase. Bottom
left: spectral sequence of SN 2023ixf during the photospheric phase. Bottom right: evolution of the multipeaked emission profile of Hα during the photospheric phase. Here HV and PV refer to the high-
and photospheric-velocity components in the blueshifted absorption wing of Hα. (Ref Teja et al 2023 ApJL 954 L12 )
🌄: Best model light curves that could represent the g- band light-curve evolution of SN 2023ixf obtained out of a large sample of >170,000 models presented in Moriya et al. (2023) for different progenitor
masses. (Ref Teja et al 2023 ApJL 954 L12 )
This letter presents detailed multiband observations utilizing both ground and space based observatiories. We covered far-ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths, including near-ultraviolet and optical regimes as well, obtaining both photometry
and spectroscopy data in details. We made use of many world class international facilities extensively to obtain data. We tried to understand the early phase evolution (upto 20 days after 💥) in details utilising this rich data
set. We estimated various parameters including explosion energy, circumstellar mass and its distribution, and presented a detailed qualitative analysis of UV spectra. This work was published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters(ApJL).
The "Open Access" published file can be accessed from IOP Website. This work can also be found on arXiv.
A small X (Twitter) thread can be found here.
SN 2018gj: A rare SNe type with blueshifted emission peaks throughout
🌄: RGB composite image of SN 2018gj in NGC 6217 host taken from Himalayan Chandra Telescope, IAO, Hanle. It also shows the separation from the host centre (Ref Teja et al 2023 ApJ 954 155 )
🌄:Multiband photometry of SN 2018gj from various telescopes. Spectral epochs are marked in the bottom. (Ref Teja et al 2023 ApJ 954 155 )
🌄:2-componet model fitting results. Parameters are given in the figure itself. (Ref Teja et al 2023 ApJ 954 155 )
(CoralAI Summary): The paper presents a study on the Type IIP supernova SN 2018gj, focusing on its photometric and spectroscopic properties. The supernova exhibited a shorter plateau phase of about 70 days compared to the typical 100-day plateau for Type
IIP SNe. The study includes UV, optical, and near-IR photometric observations and low-resolution optical spectroscopy from the photospheric to the nebular phase. The analysis involves the estimation of various parameters, including
the plateau length, V-band peak absolute magnitude, distance estimation, and the amount of radioactive Nickel (56-Ni) produced in the explosion. It explores the spectral evolution, with a notable observation of persistent blueshift
in emission lines until the late nebular phase, a feature uncommon in Type IIP SNe. The study utilized semianalytical modeling to estimate the ejecta mass, progenitor radius, total energy, and synthesized 56-Ni mass. The study
discusses the implications of consistent blueshifted emission lines and the absence of CSM interaction evidence in the spectra. The lack of dust signatures in the ejecta, along with the possibility of intrinsic high velocity of
the progenitor star, are also considered. Overall, the research provides a detailed investigation of SN 2018gj, offering insights into its unique properties, supernova evolution, and potential progenitor characteristics through
a combination of observational data, modelling, and analysis.
The "Open Access" published file can be accessed from IOP Website. This work can also be found on arXiv.
SN 2021wvw: A Core-collapse Supernova at the Subluminous, Slower, and Shorter End of Type IIPs
🌄: RGB color composite finder chart for SN2021wvw utilizing Bessell- BVR filters from HCT. (Ref Teja et al 2024 ApJ 974 44 )
🌄:Light-curve evolution of SN 2021wvw for various filters from GIT and HCT is shown. The light curves also include data from ZTF and ATLAS surveys. The constants added to the individual light curves
are for visual clarity(Ref Teja et al 2024 ApJ 974 44 )
🌄: SYNAPPS model fitting to the observed spectra around the mid- and end-plateau phases. The lower small panels show the model spectra of indi- vidual species when the contribution from rest of the
species is turned off. (Ref Teja et al 2024 ApJ 974 44 )
🌄: Observed and modeled bolometric evolution of SN 2021wvw for 18 solar mass ZAMS models with different sets of parameters. The solid red curve gives the best description of the model. The inset
in the bottom left-hand corner shows the corresponding modeled and observed Fe II 5169 velocities. (Ref Teja et al 2024 ApJ 974 44 )
🌄: MESA+STELLA structures for different cases of 18 Me ZAMS models with different RTI parameters. A few species out of the 22 species network used in the modeling are shown here. Solid lines present
the mass fraction just after we inject the explosion energy. The other two dashed lines show the final ejecta structure before the SB for different ηR,e/ηR values. The final ejecta profiles suffer from
significant fallback during the shock-propaga- tion phase, (Ref Teja et al 2024 ApJ 974 44 )
🌄: Plausible Eexp and Mej ranges plotted from the scaling relations obtained in Goldberg et al. (2019). The scatter points represent the ejecta masses obtained for various models utilized in this
work. The energy values for all the evolved models are between 0.1 and 0.3 foe. The shaded regions include the values obtained considering the errors in the observables. (Ref Teja et al 2024 ApJ 974 44 )
🌄: Midplateau brightness, MV vs. plateau duration (tp) for a large sample including a wide range of Type II SNe obtained from Fang et al. (2024). (Ref Teja et al 2024 ApJ 974 44 )
(CoralAI Summary): The article presents detailed observations and analyses of the core-collapse supernova SN 2021wvw, characterized as a rare short-plateau Type IIP supernova. It reports multiband photometric evolution for up to 250 days and spectroscopic
coverage for 100 days post-explosion. SN 2021wvw exhibits an intermediate luminosity with a notably short plateau phase of approximately 75 days, followed by a sharp transition to the tail phase. The peak absolute magnitude is
noted at -16.1 mag in the r-band, with a nickel mass estimated at 0.020 ± 0.006 M☉. Hydrodynamical modeling suggests a low-metallicity, high-mass red supergiant progenitor. This event highlights the diversity among transitional
supernovae, bridging the gap between typical Type IIP supernovae and stripped-envelope events.
The "Open Access" published file can be accessed from IOP Website. This work can also be found on arXiv.